December 10, 2024No Comments

Dr. Ofer Idels on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict  

Dr. Ofer Idels discusses the role history has played throughout the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the dangers and opportunities in molding narratives, and his new book, Zionism: Emotions, Language, and Experience.

Ofer Idels is a Minerva Postdoctoral Fellow in the History Department at Munich University. His book, Zionism: Emotions, Language, and Experience, was recently published by Cambridge University Press (free download here:

Interviewer: Omri Brinner - Middle East Team

February 14, 2022No Comments

History and Ethnography of Tusan People, Peru

In this session, Mariela Noles Cotito - Professor of Political Science, Discrimination and Public Policy at the Universidad del Pacifico, Peru and Editor of the Book Mas alla del Bicentenario: Tareas Pendientes Alexandra Arana Blas - PhD Candidate at the University of Pittsburgh Author of the Chapter “Sensibilidades y Subjetividades”; and Julia Hodgins - Master’s Candidate at King’s College London, co-author of the Chapter “El Peru a Través de Nuestros Ojos,” and our valued colleague and member of the ITSS Verona Culture, Society and Security Team.

Interviewing Team: Sofia Staderini and Leigh Dawson.