

Committed to exploring seminal concepts, theories and debates, this section features our main publications. Building upon the wide range of activities from the Members Series (i.e. Blog articles, podcasts, video podcasts, and webinars), we offer three main types of publications: the ITSS Verona Magazine of International Security, Research Projects and Reports.

Research Projects

This section features longer academic and scientific investigations meant to enhance understanding and debate over particular matters of international security. Major ITSS Verona reports have been conceptualised and shared with members of the US Department of State and the United Nations.


ITSS Magazine

Born out of the work and vision of its Members, the ITSS Verona Magazine, the ITSS Verona Magazine of International Security wishes to offer students, academics and working professionals from all over the world with an opportunity to share their ideas related to pertinent issues about pressing questions of international security, including international relations, conflict, crisis situations, diplomacy, strategy and paths to increase security.


This section features longer articles with a more journalistic flavour on current, hot button issues from around the globe - with focus being allocated more on personal stories narrated through testimonies, pictures, colours and sounds mostly from conflict zones.


The International Team for the Study of Security -Verona

Villafranca di Verona, Italy
CF: 93285920232

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