Call For Submissions

Call for submissions - ITSS Verona Magazine

ITSS Verona is delighted to announce its new Call for submissions for the third volume of the
ITSS Verona Magazine. We wish to provide students, academics, and working professionals with a platform to share their ideas.

Essays topics:

1) The conquest of new frontiers through soft power
2) The possible futures of the European Union in the international community
3) Usage and ethics of AI in conflict
4) The slow reduction of freedom of expression through the legal apparatus and beyond
5) The Natural Resources Wars and their Geopolitics

October 3rd, 2024 @ 11.59 pm CEST

Please submit articles to:
and include “Submission Magazine - essay” in the email subject

Call for submissions - ITSS Reports

ITSS Verona is delighted to announce its second Call for submissions for the report section of the new ITSS Verona Magazine. We are searching for in-depth, factual journalistic pieces, where the reporter engages in first-hand experiences to gather information. 

Reporters conduct face-to-face interviews with individuals directly involved by the events covered, and/or complete in-depth research on a particular topic. The reporters might have traveled to the locations where these events are unfolding. By being physically present, they can observe and document the situation first-hand, capturing details and nuances that add depth and authenticity to the story.

Report topics:

Human rights violations, Political movements, International crime, Climate change, Immigration

November 8th, 2024 @ 11.59 pm CEST

Please submit articles to:
and include “Submission Magazine - Report” in the email subject

Submission guidelines:

  1. Short biography of yourself (include this in your email)
  2. If you are a student or not of the ITSS Summer School
  3. .doc (and pdf) version of the paper
  4. Submissions have to be original. The ITSS Team will not accept any form of plagiarism.
    If plagiarism is detected the paper will not be considered.

Should you have questions or need any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch at

General Guidelines

Before sending your paper, please be sure to check the following guidelines:

Policy Analysis

  • Words: 2000 (without Reference list)
    Format: Times new Roman, size 12, double space
    Citation style: APA(in-text citation and reference list)
    Basic structure: Cover page (title and name of the author), Abstract,
    Introduction, Presentation of the challenge, Pre-existing Policies, Policy Solutions (max 3, including advantages and disadvantages for each of them), Final Recommendation (as conclusion), Reference list
    Goal: provide an analysis of a present or future challenge to the topic of the call, discuss possible policy solutions to it and provide a final recommendation.


  • Words: 2000 - 3000 (without Bibliography)
    Format: Times new Roman, size 12, double space
    Citation style: last version of Chicago Style (footnotes and bibliography)
    Basic structure: Cover page (title and name of the author), Abstract, Introduction, Main text/Analysis, Conclusion, Bibliography
    Goal: Present one topic relative to the call, discuss your argument with adequate sources.

Submissions have to be original. The ITSS Team will not accept any form of plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected the paper will not be considered. Should you have questions or need any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch at

The International Team for the Study of Security – Verona

Villafranca di Verona, Italy
CF: 93285920232

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