Webinar with Dr Michele Groppi (ITSS-Verona President) and Dr Boaz Ganor (ICT Herzliya), who elucidate and discuss drivers and definitions of terrorism.
Webinar with Dr Michele Groppi (ITSS-Verona President) and Dr Boaz Ganor (ICT Herzliya), who elucidate and discuss drivers and definitions of terrorism.
Breve dibattito su Europa e Recovery Fund post-Covid con tre illustri esperti al fine di esplorare vantaggi e svantaggi dell'accordo europeo a fronte all'emergenza COVID-19. Prendono parte al podcast di ITSS-Verona Prof. Leila Talani, docente di economia politica, King's College London, Prof. Germano Dottori, docente di studi strategici, LUISS Guido Carli, e Dott. Giangiacomo Calavoni, ricercatore Geopolitica.info e docente presso 24 Ore Business School.
As one of Britain's top economists and business consultants, Mrs Vicky Pryce discusses her latest book, Women vs Capitalism, elucidating the reasons why the free capitalist market cannot bring about full gender equality, especially in a post-Brexit era still affected by COVID-19.
Dr Tracey German (KCL, Defence Studies Department) discusses the relevance of Putin's Russia in international affairs, potential security concerns related to Russian aspirations and capabilities, NATO and post-Brexit UK approaches, and implications of COVID-19 on Russia.
Prof. Valbona Zeneli (George C. Marshall Center) discusses the current state of the Belt and Road Initiative, analysing European perceived security and economic threats, opportunities, and scenarios vis-Ã -vis China.
Dr Simon Rushton (Sheffield University, Chatham House) discusses politics of human security and global health in relation to globalisation, state self interest during the COVID-19 crisis, and international cooperation.
Dr Oleg Goldshmidt on what cyber security is and the latter can be conceptualised and strategised vis-Ã -vis current and future major challenges to international security, including restrictive measures and Covid-19.
Dr Tomas Maltby, KCL, explores definitions and concepts of "Energy Security" and how these affect strategies and approaches within the EU context. Particular emphasis is also allocated on how energy security relates to climate change and pandemics/Covid-19.
Dr Michele Groppi, KCL, ITSS Verona President, on major conceptual, legal, ethical, and democratic dilemmas in counterterrorism.
Dr Zeno Leoni, ITSS-Verona Executive Director, discusses on the dynamics and implications of US-China geopolitical tensions in Asia.